Primary Care Connection

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Healthcare is transforming, and Primary Care involvement and leadership is critical to the success of this change.

The Cambridge North Dumfries Primary Care Network has been developed to facilitate the engagement of primary care clinicians (physicians and nurse practitioners) in healthcare transformation. Primary care is the foundation of the health care system and has a unique perspective on existing challenges and pain points that must be addressed to enable transformation and integration of care. Additionally, the Primary Care Network will support the organization of primary care to optimize resources and support collective advocacy.

The CND OHT Primary Care Connection is a virtual space with two functions:

  1. Provide an ongoing forum for primary care clinicians to meaningfully engage with the Primary Care Network on areas of work that are most relevant. This space is meant as a "self serve" model of engagement, where you can participate as little or as much as you would like, at times that are convenient to you.
  2. Create a virtual space for primary care to connect and self-organize.

This page includes several forum discussions, quick polls and Q&A . These tools will:

  • Gather your questions and directly respond to you
  • Collect your perspectives and ideas
  • Help us to better understand your needs

Healthcare is transforming, and Primary Care involvement and leadership is critical to the success of this change.

The Cambridge North Dumfries Primary Care Network has been developed to facilitate the engagement of primary care clinicians (physicians and nurse practitioners) in healthcare transformation. Primary care is the foundation of the health care system and has a unique perspective on existing challenges and pain points that must be addressed to enable transformation and integration of care. Additionally, the Primary Care Network will support the organization of primary care to optimize resources and support collective advocacy.

The CND OHT Primary Care Connection is a virtual space with two functions:

  1. Provide an ongoing forum for primary care clinicians to meaningfully engage with the Primary Care Network on areas of work that are most relevant. This space is meant as a "self serve" model of engagement, where you can participate as little or as much as you would like, at times that are convenient to you.
  2. Create a virtual space for primary care to connect and self-organize.

This page includes several forum discussions, quick polls and Q&A . These tools will:

  • Gather your questions and directly respond to you
  • Collect your perspectives and ideas
  • Help us to better understand your needs

  • Are you a primary care clinician who would like to learn more about being involved in the CND OHT? 

    Please share your email address and we will be in touch.

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Page last updated: 29 Nov 2024, 09:44 AM